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Conservation and Preservation Blog’
How to prevent insect infestation in museums and galleries.
Sticking things together is something humans are pretty good at, there is one method keeping conservators around the world busy; the use of pressure sensitive tape.
Why is Tyvek so good in conservation applications?
What causes photographs to deteriorate and what to do about it
Conservation brushes ranked from soft to hard
UV is often the enemy in conservation. But it can also be a force for good! So how can conservators use ultra-violet light?
Storage of books can be tricky, they are made from a number of materials, in an infinite number of sizes, and worst of all - people want to actually look at them
Learn more about how to pack items for long term storage, some tips tricks and materials you can use to make the job easier. Jenny from Kuriosa Conservation gives away some top tricks to make your packing projects run smoothly.
Conservator Jenny Mathiasson shares her tips on disaster planning and recovery for anyone who has a collection, whether it’s in a museum or at home.
Model trains are a great passion for many, and some are incredibly valuable and treasured. So how to you store your collection to ensure it stays in good condition?
Webinar from Caroline Oliver taking you through the history of frames and framing materials. Caroline shows how the designs of frames has evolved with a number of photographic examples in the first half of this webinar. The second half covers the materials used in construction and conservation including gilding.
If you want to know what CRI is? and whether the lights you are interested in are suitable, this article may help enlighten you.
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