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Conservation and Preservation Blog’
How to prevent insect infestation in museums and galleries.
Sticking things together is something humans are pretty good at, there is one method keeping conservators around the world busy; the use of pressure sensitive tape.
Why is Tyvek so good in conservation applications?
What causes photographs to deteriorate and what to do about it
Conservation brushes ranked from soft to hard
UV is often the enemy in conservation. But it can also be a force for good! So how can conservators use ultra-violet light?
Storage of books can be tricky, they are made from a number of materials, in an infinite number of sizes, and worst of all - people want to actually look at them
Watch our demonstration video on how to mount artwork using conservation quality materials. The method demonstrated is the T-hinge which offers a secure way of hinging artwork, in this case using Japanese hinging tissue.
Read our complete guide on how to protect and store your coin collection to prevent future damage and preserve them for centuries to come. Whether you have a small collection at home or need to store them in bulk, the principles are the same and we’ll start right at the beginning.
Tengu gummed 5gsm invisible repair tissue is incredibly thin and, for its weight, incredibly strong. Coated on one side with a conservation grade adhesive, the 100% Kozo fibre tape is capable of making strong repairs without obscuring text or images.
The application
Webinar from Lorraine Finch ACR - Examining what causes mould, view examples of the damage it causes and explore how to prevent mould outbreaks.
Do you want to know more about book bindings?
Ann-Marie Miller ACR, an accredited book and archives conservator presents an introductory talk on “Book Bindings & How to Describe Them”. Including; why bindings are important, how to orientate yourself about a
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