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In this video you will see how the machine works and how quickly and easily it can clean ingrained dirt on a high fired ceramic.
Whether you have a thermohygrometer, light meter or a combination environmental monitoring instrument you may have come across calibration as an option, so here’s an explanation of what calibration is, why you might need it, and how it’s done.
If you want to know what CRI is? and whether the lights you are interested in are suitable, this article may help enlighten you.
Do you want to know more about book bindings?
Ann-Marie Miller ACR, an accredited book and archives conservator presents an introductory talk on “Book Bindings & How to Describe Them”. Including; why bindings are important, how to orientate yourself about a
Not sure which black pen to use? here are 5 tests that should help you make the correct choice of pen for your needs.
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